Awards and ScholarshipsSchool Superintendents of Alabama encourages excellence in school practice and has an interest in the development of effective leadership not only now, but in the future. To that end, SSA recognizes outstanding superintendents with various distinctions; acknowledges our officers and board members completing their terms of service; and presents Legislative Awards to those superintendents and other members who contributed in an especially significant way during the legislative session. SSA believes the future of our state is built on the promotion and development of quality teachers and leaders, and is proud to be able to offer these awards and scholarships with the support of our Business Partners. SSA AwardsAlabama Superintendent of the Year
Each SSA district selects a District Superintendent of the Year Finalist in August, and each district finalist submits a resume to SSA by the September deadline. SSA uses a panel of judges to review the applications of the district finalists and select the Superintendent of the Year for Alabama. The Alabama Superintendent of the Year competes at the national level to become one of four nationwide finalists; represents Alabama at the AASA: The School Superintendents Association National Conference on Education in February; and is honored at a luncheon during the SSA Legislative Conference in Montgomery. Schneider Electric provides the winner with a Superintendent of the Year ring and travel expenses to the National Conference. Current and past winners are listed here. CLAS Leadership Award (SSA member nominated)This award is provided by CLAS and seeks a nomination by SSA and each CLAS affiliate. SSA's Executive Committee receives the Leadership Award Nomination Form and makes the official nomination of an active SSA member for this award. AASA Distinguished Service Award (National)
Retired AASA members who have been members for at least 10 years, have been retired for at least one year and meet the qualifications may be nominated for this award. The immediate past president of AASA is automatically nominated to receive this recognition. Information on eligibility and qualifications may be found in a nomination form. Nomination Forms are sent to each state executive during August, but are also available on the AASA website beginning May 1 of each year. Nomination Forms are due to AASA by September 15. The judging process is handled exclusively by national and the winner is announced at the National Conference on Education during February. SSA/Curriculum Associates ScholarshipsSSA Administrator Scholarships
SSA Student Scholarships (We no longer accept applications for these scholarships - please see below)
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